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Bangkalan – The opening ceremony of the 23rd Anniversary events of Universitas Trunojoyo Madura (UTM) and the simultaneous Launching of the Business Management Agency (BPU) were successfully held in the Syaikhona Kholil Hall, Graha Utama UTM, on Wednesday, May 22, 2024.

The Rector of UTM, Dr. Safi’, S.H., M.H, officially inaugurated the event ceremonially by striking a gong, followed by the embedding of t-shirts bearing the UTM Anniversary logo.

The event's chief executive symbolically presented the UTM Anniversary logo shirts to the UTM Rector and the Vice Rectors.

Ketua Pelaksana Dies Natalis UTM, Dr. Ris Yuwono Yudo Nugroho, S.E. M.Si. dalam sambutannya menjelaskan spirit yang dibawa UTM serta makna dari logo Dies Natalis UTM ke-23.

According to him, the 23rd anniversary of UTM adopts the tagline "Soaring forward for the nation."

"The UTM can be part of the transformation of Madura and Indonesia society. It soars forward to bring hope and success in the future," he said.

Meanwhile, the UTM Rector expressed gratitude for the commitment demonstrated by the entire Academic Community in advancing UTM. Additionally, Safi’ elucidated on the presence and role of the newly launched BPU.

"We strive for UTM to become a beacon of hope for many and to provide tangible contributions to society," Safi' expressed hope.

Safi' also narrated the achievements attained by UTM as well as the initiatives required to elevate UTM into a more dignified campus.

"In the upcoming Anniversary Celebration, there will be numerous agendas and competitions, one of which includes a leisurely walk event with a grand prize of Umrah pilgrimage to the Holy Land," he stated.

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