Universitas Trunojoyo Madura
Universitas Bangkalan Madura (Unibang) was established
Universitas Trunojoyo Madura merupakan perkembangan dari Universitas Bangkalan Madura (Unibang) yang berdiri pada tahun 1981 melalui Yayasan Pendidikan Kyai Lemah Dhuwur MKGR Bangkalan. Saat masih menjadi universitas swasta, Unibang hanya memiliki tiga fakultas, yakni Fakultas Hukum, Fakultas Ekonomi, dan Fakultas Pertanian.

Unibang then changed its status from a private higher education institution to a public university
Unibang then changed its status from a private to a public university based on the President Decree of the Republic of Indonesia No. 85 of 2001, dated July 5, 2001.
The change in status from Unibang to UTM was officially inaugurated on July 23, 2001. Abdurrahman Wahid, who was the President of the Republic of Indonesia, stated that one of the aspirations of the Madura community to have a public university had been realized.