List of Document

1. Guidelines for Student Affairs: Student Development Patterns (POLBANGMAWA)
2. Decree of the Rector No. 166/UN46/2018 regarding POLBANGMAWA
3. UTM Rector's Regulation No. 2 of 2012, as revised in Rector's Regulation No. 2 of 2016, concerning the Code of Campus Life Behavior at UTM
4. Student Procedure Manual MP MAHASISWA-UTM.29-2013
5. Quality Standards for Student and Alumni Affairs at Universitas Trunojoyo Madura, 2015
6. Decree of the Rector No. 503/UN46/2017 concerning the Student Procedure Manual
7. Decree of the Rector No. 280/UN46/2016 concerning the implementation of the issuance of a certificate supplementing diplomas
8. Decree of the Rector No. 354/UN46/2018 on the Character Education Curriculum
9. Decree of the Rektor No. 504/UN46/2017 concerning the establishment of PPKPK (Center for Character Education and Career Development)




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