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Gelar Edukasi Keterbukaan Informasi Publik, Universitas Trunojoyo Madura Tandatangani MoU dengan Komisi Informasi (KI) Pusat

Dalam rangka memberikan edukasi Keterbukaan Informasi Publik, Universitas Trunojoyo Madura menggelar seminar Forum Edukasi Pemahaman Keterbukaan Informasi Publik dan Standart Layanan Terpadu Unit Layanan Terpadu yang dilanjutkan dengan penandatanganan MoU dengan Komisi Informasi (KI) Pusat, yang dilaksanakan pada 17-18 September 2024 di Surabaya.

Setelah penandatanganan MoU antara UTM dengan KI Pusat, kemudian dilanjutkan dengan seminar Forum Edukasi Pemahaman Keterbukaan Informasi Publik dan Standart Layanan Terpadu Unit Layanan Terpadu.

Surokim, S.Sos., S.H., M.Si. Selaku Wakil Rektor Bidang Kemahasiswaan, Kerjasama dan Alumni Universitas Trunojoyo Madura dan juga ketua PPID menuturkan bahwa keterbukaan informasi publik melatih dan memandu agar bisa menjadi lembaga baik dengan performace good governance sehingga tidak perlu ada keraguan sama sekali untuk menjalankan dan mengembangkan kewajiban.

“Kita patut bersyukur dan harus bisa bekerjasama, melakukan kolaborasi, dan juga menjalankan keterpaduan dr semua pihak agar memiliki komitmen dan ikhtiar yg kuat dalam menyediakan informasi data publik,” kata Surokim.

Menurutnya, pemahaman dan pengetahuan tentang hal ini penting untuk menguatkan segala bentuk implementasi, khususnya dalam memenuhi stadardisasi pelayanan dan mengembangkan kreativitas dan inovasi berkelanjutan.

“Dengan demikian keterbukaan informasi bisa menjadi pematik perbaikan dalam semua sektor. Sekaligus akan meningkatkan akses dan sense of belonging publik pada lembaga ini. Percayalah ini jalan adalah pilihan terbaik untuk akselerasi badan publik,” ungkapnya.

Hadir dalam kegiatan ini Dr. Ir. Donny Yoesgiantoro, Ketua Komisi Informasi Pusat RI, dan prof. Arif Nur Afandi, S.T., M.T., wakil rektor 1V Universitas Negeri Malang, serta Dr. Any Werdhiastutie, S.T. M.Si Kepala Biro Umum dan Reformasi Birokrasi ITS.

Sekadar diketahui bahwa Perguruan Tinggi sebagai badan publik wajib memiliki Pejabat Pengelola Informasi dan Dokumentasi (PPID) untuk memberi jaminan kepada publik agar dapat menerima informasi yang tidak ditemukan dalam website Perguruan Tinggi yang bersangkutan.

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UTM Gelar Seminar Forum Edukasi Pemahaman Keterbukaan Informasi Publik dan Unit Layanan Terpadu

Universitas Trunojoyo Madura menggelar Seminar Forum Edukasi Pemahaman Keterbukaan Informasi Publik dan Unit Layanan Terpadu di Grand Swiss Bell Hotel Darmo Surabaya, berlangsung selama selama dua hari, yaitu pada 17 hingga 18 September 2024.

Hadir sebagai pemateri, Dr. Ir. Donny Yoesgiantoro, Ketua Komisi Informasi Pusat RI, dan prof. Arif Nur Afandi, S.T., M.T., wakil rektor 1V Universitas Negeri Malang, serta Dr. Any Werdhiastutie, S.T. M.Si Kepala Biro Umum dan Reformasi Birokrasi ITS.

Dalam sambutannya, Rektor UTM, Dr. Safi’, S.H., M.H., menekankan terkait pentingnya sebuah perguruan tinggi menggunakan serta memanfaatkan informasi publik untuk menghadirkan good government.

“Betapa pentingnya keterbukaan informasi publik untuk menghadirkan tatakelola yang baik. Untuk itu, dengan serius dan seksama. Mari kita belajar trik dan tips yang efektif terkait pemanfaatan informasi publik dan menghadirkannya untuk kebutuhan masyarakat,” kata Safi’.

Safi’ berharap dengan kegiatan ini, upaya untuk menghadirkan good government dan keterbukaan dalam mengelola informasi publik semakin lebih baik.

Dr. Ir. Donny Yoesgiantoro, MA. M.P.A. Ketua Komisi Informasi Pusat RI menjelaskan beberapa hal terkait pentingnya keterbukaan publik di perguruan tinggi.

Menurutnya, Perguruan Tinggi Negeri
Sebagai Badan Publik Sebagai badan dan lembaga publik yang sumber dananya dari masyarakat, perguruan tinggi (PT) wajib memberikan informasi kepada masyarakat luas dengan jelas dan transparan.

“Publik dapat mengawasi pengelolaan PT dengan baik, dan PT dapat termotivasi untuk bertanggung jawab dan berorientasi terhadap pengelolaan sistem informasi yang baik,” tegasnya.

Menurutnya, PT Sebagai badan publik wajib memiliki Pejabat Pengelola Informasi dan Dokumentasi (PPID)
untuk memberi jaminan kepada publik agar dapat menerima informasi yang tidak ditemukan dalam website Perguruan Tinggi yang bersangkutan.

Donny melanjutkan, bahwa perlu diperhatikan pula pengelolaan pada aplikasi ataupun laman PPID agar informasi yang disajikan bukan informasi yang kedaluarsa (pemutakhiran dokumen informasi publik).

Untuk itu, kata Donny, agar masyarakat dan pemerintah serta pemangku
kepentingan lainnya mengetahui informasi secara transparan terkait aktifitas-kegiatan, dan operasional penyelenggaraan pendidikan di PT.

” Nantinya bisa mencegah terjadinya pembohongan publik, penyelewenggan, korupsi, pungli, dan lain sebagainya di lingkup PT. Dapat mewujudkan good governance, mencegah praktek KKN (Korupsi, Kolusi dan Nepotisme) di
Perguruan Tinggi, dan memperoleh kepercayaan publik,” pungkasnya.

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UTM Terima Kunjungan dan Inisiasi Kolaborasi Riset Dari Pusat IDEA University Kebangsaan Malaysia

Pada 4 September 2024, Universitas Trunojoyo Madura (UTM) menerima kunjungan dalam rangka Inisiasi Kolaborasi Riset Dari Pusat IDEA University Kebangsaan Malaysia.

Pusat IDEA UKM adalah akronim dari (Inovatif, Dinamik, Efisien, dan akuntabiliti) Universitas Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) yang berfokus dan berfungsi untuk kegiatan menghasilkan ide ide penyelidikan multidisplin keilmuwan.

Kegiatan tersebut dihadiri langsung oleh Wakil Rektor Bidang Umum, Perencanaan dan Keuangan , serta Wakil Rektor Bidang Kemahasiswaan dan kerjasama maupun jajaran Dekan dan dosen UTM.

Dalam sambutannya, Rektor UTM, Dr. Safi’, S.H., MH., yang diwakili Ari Basuki, ST., M.T., wakil Rektor 2 UTM mengungkapkan pentingnya kegiatan ini dalam rangka menjalin kolaborasi riset.

Mengingat bahwa usia UTM sudah 23 tahun dan bisa ikut menapaki jalan yang mengarah pada upaya menjadi World Class University (WCU).

” Kegiatan ini sangatlah penting. Sebuah upaya yang perlu dipersiapkan agar memberi ruang pada niat UTM yang saat ini berusia 23 tahun dan berharap nantinya bisa menuju menjadi World Class University,” jelasnya.

” Selamat datang untuk para peserta rombongan dari IDEA UMY dan sekali lagi Pak Rektor mohon ijin tidak bisa bergabung karna ada acara karna tidak bisa ikut menghadiri,” kata Ari.

Ari berharap kegiatan ini nantinya, tidak hanya selesai pada proses ataupun target-target. Tetapi hal penting juga bisa untuk menular untuk fakulas-fakultas yag ada di UTM.

” Hingga saat ini UTM sudah memiliki 7 fakultas dengan beragam background bidang ilmu ada di UTM ini. Namun kedepannya tetap perlu untuk memperluas jejaring dan memperkaya riset-riset,” tegasnya.

Menurutnya, sebuah keberuntungan bagi UTM bisa menerima kunjungan dari Pusat IDEA UKM.

Sementara, sambutan Pusat IDEA UKM diwakili Prof. Dr. Zulkefly bin Abdul Karim, pengajar Pusat Kajian Pembangunan Inklusif dan Lestari Universitas Kebangsaan Malaysia.

Kemudian, kegiatan dilanjutkan dengan sesi diskusi dan tanya jawab tentang potensi kolaborasi penyelidikan dan dana padanan : Pembentangan idea penyelidikan (penelitian) dan foto bersama antara dosen UTM dan perwakilan IDEA UKM.

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Kerjasama dan Humas Gelar Upgrading Tata Kelola Kerjasama dan Humas Perguruan Tinggi di Era Digital dan PDLN

Kerjasama dan Humas Universitas Trunojoyo Madura menyelenggarakan kegiatan Sosialisasi Kerjasama dan Perjalanan Dinas Luar Negeri : Upgrading Tata Kelola Kerjasama dan Humas Perguruan Tinggi di Era Digital dan PDLN di Leedon Hotel & Suites Surabaya selama dua hari, pada tanggal 28 hingga 29 Agustus 2024.

Kegiatan tersebut berlangsung dengan penyampaian beberapa sesi materi. Seperti Kehumasan yang disampaikan  Dinna Hindini, M.Ikom, materi Sosialiasi kerjasama oleh Setya Herlina Amananti, serta materi seputar Sosialisasi PDLN yang disampaikan Irhash Aliyah.

Wakil Rektor III Universitas Trunojoyo Madura (UTM) Surokim, S.Sos yang mewakili pimpinan UTM menyampaikan terima kasih atas partisipasi serta kesabarannya untuk tetap belajar bersama.

“Atas nama pimpinan, kami menyampaikan penghargaan atas narasumber yang sudah hadir untuk memberikan pencerahan,” kata Surokim.

Surokim juga menyampaikan rasa terima kasih Juga kepada bapak ibu yang bersabar untuk tetap mengikuti kegiatan ini.

” Intinya tetap belajar untuk terus memperbaiki kinerja. Efek mendapatkan hadiah atau penghargaan nantinya anggap saja sebagai bonus,” tegasnya

Menurutnya, yang terpenting adalah tidak pernah berhenti melakukan perbaikan secara berkesinambungan.

” Secara khusus, acara malam ini akan ada  SOP kerjasama dan acara SOP perjalanan dinas luar negeri,” ujarnya.

” Nantinya, ada panduan baku bagaimana memperbaki kinerja,” tegasnya.

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KPK RI dan UTM Teken Kerjasama Penyelenggaraan Survei Penilaian Integritas KPK 2024

Universitas Trunojoyo Madura dan Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi Republik Indonesia (KPK RI) menandatangani  Perjanjian Kerja Sama (PKS) untuk  Penyelenggaraan Survei Penilaian Integritas 2024, pada jumat, 23 Agustus 2024.

Penandatanganan saat ini merupakan amandemen dari PKS yang pernah di tanda tangani antara Rektor UTM dengan Deputi Pencegahan dan Monitoring KPK pada tanggal 25 Juli 2024 di Gedung Merah Putih KPK RI di Jakarta.

Saat ini, Universitas Trunojoyo Madura terpilih di antara 41 perguruan tinggi se- Indonesia untuk menandatangani Perjanjian Kerja Sama (PKS) Survei Penilaian Integritas (SPI) 2024 dengan Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi Republik Indonesia (KPK-RI).

Kerjasama tersebut diinisiasi KPK untuk  melibatkan 41 perguruan tinggi negeri  se- Indonesia untuk  mendukung pencegahan terhadap praktik korupsi di instansi pemerintahan baik Tingkat pusat maupun di daerah.

” UTM dipercaya menjadi bagian di antara 41 Perguruan tinggi di Indonesia yang dilibatkan KPK untuk melakukan survey penilaian integritas 2024 wilayah Madura,” kata Dr. Siti Musyarofah, SE., M.Si, CA.,CF.rA., CSRS, selaku Ketua SPI UTM.

Siti Musyarofah menambahkan bahwa di Jawa Timur sendiri terdapat tiga universitas yang turut menandatangani kerjasama tersebut, yaitu UTM, Unair serta Universitas Jember.

“Pendandatanganan saat ini merupakan amandemen PKS yang sebelumnya sudah pernah dilakukan penandatanganan PKS di gedung KPK Jakarta pada tanggal 25 Juli 2024”, ungkapnya.

Nantinya, UTM akan menjalankan Perjanjian Kerja Sama (PKS) untuk pelaksanaan Survei Penilaian Integritas (SPI) 2024 dengan Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi Republik Indonesia (KPK-RI) di beberapa Instansi Pemerintah Daerah (Pemda) di Madura, meliputi : Bangkalan, Sampang, Pamekasan hingga Sumenep.

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UTM Raih Campus Entrepreneurial Marketing Award Jatim 2024

Universitas Trunojoyo Madura menerima penghargaan Campus Entrepreneurial Marketing Award Jatim 2024 pada acara The 12th Annual Marketing Festival 2024 yang digelar di The Westin Surabaya, pada Kamis, 22 Agustus 2024.

Dr. Safi’, S.H, M.H, selaku Rektor Universitas Trunojoyo Madura (UTM) turut bangga dan senang dengan penghargaan tersebut.

“Al-hamdulillah, bersamaan dengan AL AIPT, UTM mendapatkan Award dari MarkPlus dalam kategori Enterpreneurial Marketing Campus Award, barokallah,” ungkapnya.

Melalui serangkaian proses pemilihan oleh Panel Juri yang terdiri dari tim manajemen puncak MarkPlus, Inc. lokal media serta tokoh masyarakat.

UTM akhirnya terpilih untuk menerima penghargaan Campus Entrepreneurial Marketing Award Jatim 2024.

Pada 2024 ini, Indonesia Marketing Festival (IMF) mengemas kegiatan tersebut dengan tema “Pilot Marketing Flying in Turbulence”.

Selama sebelas tahun berturut-turut, kegiatan Indonesia Marketing Festival (IMF) sukses digelar di beberapa kota utama Indonesia.

Selama delapan belas tahun menggelar MarkPlus Conference di Jakarta. Tidak heran jika akhirnya IMF dijadikan sebagai ajang bertemunya kalangan Business, Industry dan Goverment.

Di bulan Agustus 2024 ini, MarkPlus Institute menghadirkan festival pemasaran terakbar di 7 kota utama Indonesia : Jogja, Pekanbaru, Palembang, Manado, Denpasar, Bandung dan Surabaya.

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Benchmarking Visit to Universitas Jember: The Rector of UTM and Delegation were Warmly Received by the Rector and the Senate

Several leaders from Universitas Trunojoyo Madura undertook a study tour to Universitas Jember on Tuesday, August 13, 2024, to exchange experiences related to higher education governance.

The visit was warmly welcomed by the Rector of Universitas Jember, the Senate, the Vice Rectors, and the Deans.

In his address, Dr. Ir. Iwan Taruna, the Rector of Universitas Jember, extended his congratulations on the arrival of the leaders from Universitas Trunojoyo Madura.

In the presence of the delegation from UTM, the Rector of UNEJ introduced the names of the leaders members who were assisting, including the vice rectors, the senate, and the deans present in the room.

"UTM and UNEJ are like siblings, as they are both universities located in East Java. This visit is hoped to be beneficial. Sharing information and exchanging ideas are essential," he stated.

Iwan Taruna warmly welcomed the delegation from UTM.

"Welcome to the delegation of the Senate and Rectorate of UTM to UNEJ," he stated.

Iwan stated that each campus has its own strengths and weaknesses. Therefore, it is essential to engage in mutual cooperation and support each other.

In the meantime, the Rector of UTM, Dr. Safi’ S.H., M.H., mentioned that his visit was intended to learn from each other regarding the governance of senate equipment, regulations, and financial management (BLU).

Safi' hoped that this benchmarking study will provide an insight into the campus management practices implemented by the Universitas Jember.

"May this gathering serve as a platform for exchanging experiences regarding campus management and the equipment of the Senate," he concluded.

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The Rector of UTM Launches the RPL Program for the Academic Year 2024-2025

The Rector of UTM inaugurated the launch and socialization event for the admission of new students through the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) pathway for the 2024–2025 academic year, covering undergraduate (S1) and master's (S2) degree programs.

The launch and socialization event was attended by the academic community of UTM and regional officials from Madura. It took place at the Syaikhona Kholil Auditorium, Graha Utama Building, UTM, on August 12, 2024.

In his address, the Rector of UTM, Dr. Safi’ S.H., M.H., explained that Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is a mandate from the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud) that should be embraced by higher education institutions.

The opening of the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) program is conducted in accordance with the Permendikbudristek Number 41 of 2021 concerning the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) in higher education institutions.

"The objective is to maximize the role of universities in enhancing the intellectual development of the nation and state", he stated.

At the very least, the presence of this RPL will provide an opportunity for those who are constrained by age but are interested in returning to learning.

"It is hoped that UTM will be able to more effectively contribute to academic services, namely in enlightening the nation and the country," said Safi’.

Meanwhile, Dr. Achmad Amzeri, SP, MP, Vice Rector for Academic Affairs at UTM, explained that RPL is the acknowledgment of learning outcomes obtained from formal, non-formal, or informal education, and/or work experience, as a basis for continuing formal education and for aligning with specific qualifications.

"This is carried out through partial recognition of learning achievements and is provided in the form of earned credits,” he stated.

Amzeri explained that the requirements are as follows: candidates must be high school (or equivalent) graduates; they must have undergone learning either from formal educational sources or outside formal education. Then, they need to apply, select courses, and prepare evidence of the learning they have acquired. They must complete a self-evaluation form and present relevant evidence.

“Registration for this RPL program will be held from August 1 to August 30, 2024,” he concluded.

Attending this event were the University Senate, the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, General Affairs and Finance, Student Affairs, the Deans, Heads of the LPPM, the Chair of the LP3MP, the Chair of the SPI, the Heads of BAK &andBUK, RPL Assessors, the Head of the Library Unit, Language Unit, PTIK, and Integrated Laboratory, as well as several invited guests including the Regional Leadership Coordination Forum (Forkompinda) and Heads of Regional-Owned Enterprises (BUMD) throughout Madura.

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Efforts to Develop the Potential of Natural Resources in Fakfak Regency, West Papua Province

The Master’s Program in Natural Resource Management (PSDA) at the Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Trunojoyo Madura (UTM), in collaboration with the Fakfak District Government of West Papua Province, was organizing an event to develop natural resource potential in Fakfak District from July 29 to August 2, 2024. Dr. Apri Arisandi, Coordinator of the PSDA Master’s Program, stated that this event is part of a series aimed at socializing the postgraduate program and establishing active cooperation with local government staff. The event begun with presentations on the postgraduate program, followed by discussions and the identification of natural resource potential in agriculture, fisheries, and marine ecotourism. It concluded with the signing of a cooperation agreement between Universitas Trunojoyo Madura and the Fakfak District Government. The cooperation encompassed the Three Pillars of Higher Education: Education, Research, and Community Service.

According to Safrudin H. La Sitambah, Head of the Competency Development Division at the Regional Civil Service Agency and Human Resource Development of Fakfak Regency, Fakfak Regency is rich in natural resources both on land and at sea. The mining sector includes quartz sand, coal, and gold; the fisheries sector includes tuna, skipjack, and bonito; the agriculture sector includes corn, cassava, peanuts, and soybeans; the plantation sector includes coffee, cocoa, and nutmeg; and the livestock sector includes cattle, pigs, and goats. Additionally, the region boasts extraordinarily beautiful marine tourism, and it is hoped that snorkeling and diving tourism in Fakfak's waters will continue to develop in the future.

The natural resources found in Fakfak Regency, if managed properly, could become a highly promising source of regional revenue (PAD), while also ensuring their sustainability. The development of natural resource potential in Fakfak cannot be achieved instantly; it must be gradual and start with the development of human resource competencies. Once human resources are competent, decision-making and utilization of natural resources will be more prudent. Therefore, Universitas Trunojoyo Madura, through its Master’s Program in Natural Resource Management, is engaged as a partner to realize the vision of sustainability in Fakfak Regency.

Dr. Teti Sugiarti further stated that the development of human resources, in addition to education for policymakers, must also be complemented by community empowerment activities to develop the local potential in the coastal areas of Fakfak. Each individual certainly possesses potential that can be developed, including fishermen and their wives. One of Fakfak's prominent marine products is flying fish roe, which is known for its high quality. The price of dried flying fish roe can currently exceed Rp. 800,000 per kilogram. If the fishermen's wives were trained to produce ready-to-consume products, it is certain that the fishermen's income would significantly increase. Moving forward, the empowerment program for coastal women, which involves processing marine products into high-value products, should be a priority. Ultimately, the Master’s Program in Natural Resource Management (PSDA), which is consistently committed to conservation, will continue to support and actively participate in the development of natural resource potential in Fakfak Regency.


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UTM Conducts a Technical Guidance Workshop on Bureaucratic Reform and Integrity Zones

Universitas Trunojoyo Madura conducted a Technical Guidance on Bureaucratic Reform and Integrity Zone on July 17-18, 2024, at the Graha Utama Building, UTM.

The activity is a reflection of Universitas Trunojoyo Madura's (UTM) commitment to implementing bureaucratic reforms and establishing an integrity zone.

In this event, UTM invited Zulfahmi, a speaker from the Bureaucratic Reform Team of the Directorate General of Higher Education (Ditjen Dikti), Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek).

This technical guidance activity was attended by all leaders of the University, Faculties, Institutions, as well as the bureaucracy reform and integrity zone teams from all faculties.

The Rector of UTM, Dr. Safi', S.H., M.H., in his remarks, expressed deep appreciation for this event. Furthermore, he provided guidance on a specific goal that needs to be accomplished.

As is well known, one of the performance targets set for the Rector is the establishment of integrity zones in at least half of the existing faculties.

"Therefore, at least four faculties at UTM are prepared to be designated as integrity zones on the path towards becoming corruption-free areas (WBK)," stated Safi’.

Safi' also provided guidance that all faculties at UTM should be targeted for establishing integrity zones.

The Rector of UTM, a native of Sumenep, emphasized that the development of the integrity zone is not merely about meeting the targets outlined in the performance agreement, but it is also a strategic step to enhance the quality of education and services at UTM.

Safi’ hoped that all faculties will demonstrate strong commitment and effective cooperation in realizing the integrity zone.

As is known, the development of an integrity zone aims to create a work environment that is clean, free from corruption, and capable of providing optimal public services. The integrity zone also represents a tangible manifestation of bureaucratic reform, which is expected to enhance public trust in educational institutions.

Meanwhile, Zulfahmi from the Directorate General of Higher Education conveyed that the development of integrity zones serves as an evaluation of all activities that have been undertaken.

"Often, without realizing it, institutions or work units have already carried out activities that are part of the integrity zone. However, these activities are frequently not documented and organized systematically. The development of an integrity zone requires commitment from both leadership and the entire academic community of the higher education institution," said Zulfahmi.

Zulfahmi also emphasized the importance of providing documented evidence for each activity conducted in the various areas of change within this integrity zone.

“Each element plays a crucial role in creating an environment free from corruption and full of integrity,” he emphasized.

Zulfahmi added that the development of an integrity zone must involve all elements within the institution, including the leadership, faculty members, administrative staff, and students.

"Therefore, it is essential to have awareness and active participation from all members of the academic community to implement programs that support the realization of an integrity zone," he concluded.



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