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Dr. Hj. Iriani Ismail, Dra., MM, Head of the UTM Library Unit, hoped that the library will serve as a comfortable place for students, especially for finding references and reading books.

"Should it be necessary, consider utilizing the library as a place to seek knowledge from the available books as supplementary references," said Iriani Ismail during her speech at the ASME International Journal Socialization event on Monday, August 19, 2024.

The international ASME journal dissemination was held at the Cakra Building, 3rd Floor, Digital Services Room, UTM, and was also accessible via Zoom. The event was attended by 130 participants, including 20 faculty members and 110 students.

"Please enjoy and make the most of this activity, and absorb as much knowledge as possible at the library," he concluded.

The socialization activity for the ASME International Journal, in collaboration with the Integrated Service Unit (UPT) Library of UTM, was specifically intended for students and faculty members.

Please note that ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) is one of the largest publishers in the world.

According to several sources, since 1880, the ASME Journal Program has employed rigorous examination and a peer-review process to publish research of the highest quality, making it available to engineering professionals who seek to make a transformative impact on the world.

Thus, the presence of this application enables the academic community to submit their research journals, which are subsequently reviewed by a team from the publisher.

Because of the scholarly work of researchers and lecturers that is published in international journals.

This can potentially add value to the academic achievements of the researcher and the associated lecturer, as well as enhance the academic quality of the institution.

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