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Bangkalan – The Islamic Faculty at Universitas Trunojoyo Madura (UTM) successfully organized a workshop on synergy and strengthening of sharia economic institutions on Wednesday, May 28, 2024.

The workshop on the theme of synergy and strengthening of islamic economic institutions through the implementation of the Merdeka Belajar (MBKM) program and the halal industry curriculum was attended by Islamic Economics Study Programs from across East Java. The speakers included Dr. Khoirun Nisa’ Musari, ST, MMT, Khoirun Nasik, S.HI., M.HI., and Amin Firdausy, S.E., M.A.

In his remarks, Dr. Safi’, S.H., M.H., the Rector of UTM, expressed his appreciation for the organization of the workshop.

"The promotion of the sharia economy continues to be intensified so that it can become a pillar of the economy implemented in Indonesia in the future," he stated.

According to Safi', the most perfect system is the one derived from God's revelation, which was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

"In this context, which is Islamic economics based on the holy book, the Quran," he stated.

According to him, a good economy prioritizes honesty, justice, and equity. "So that wealth does not accumulate among a few people and can be enjoyed by all members of society," he concluded.

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