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Once again, the activity international short course has been successfully conducted by International Relation Office in collaboration with the Master’s Program in Natural Resource Management (PSDA) at the Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Trunojoyo Madura. International short course is part of a series of activities involving students from Australia who are participating in Western Australia East Java University Consortium (WAEJUC)This event was also attended by students from ten public universities in East Java, held at the Graha Utama Building, 10th Floor, on Thursday, July 4, 2024.

Materials for international short course this time was about Madura Herbal Drink, and presented with an engaging game concept to ensure participants remain interested until the end. All the speakers are from the Faculty of Agriculture and are experts in the fields of technology and management of biological resources, specifically from the programs of (PSDA), Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering (TIP), Agroecotechnology, and Agribusiness.

Mojiono, M.Si, one of the speakers, stated that herbal drinks are natural beverages with numerous health benefits and are believed to be effective in the treatment of illnesses.

“Typically made from spices or parts of plants, such as roots, tubers, stems, leaves, or flowers,” said Mojiono.

Dr. Agr. Eko Setiawan added that herbal drinks (jamu) are one of the six Intangible Cultural Heritage (WBTB) elements that Indonesia submitted to UNESCO in 2022.

“Jamu Madura is categorized into six groups based on its benefits, namely: 1) Jamu for enhancing male strength and health; 2) Jamu for women's health and postnatal care; 3) Jamu for body care and beauty; 4) Jamu for wind repellent; 5) Jamu for relieving muscle pain; 6) Other types of Jamu (both medicinal and non-medicinal),” Eko stated.

Among the traditional herbal products widely recognized today are Tongkat Madura, Empot-empot, Galian Rapet Wangi, Galian Singset, beauty herbal remedies, fertility herbal remedies, Godogan Rapet Wangi, Cebokan, Galian Montok, women's herbal powder, lactation-promoting herbal remedies, cold powder, and fresh powder.

Among all the products, the most sought-after are the herbal remedies that benefit women's health and wellness. Considering the various benefits of herbal beverages and the abundance of herbal ingredients available in Madura, it is highly appropriate to introduce information about these herbal drinks to the international community.

Participants in the international short course enthusiastically followed the instructor's guidance to identify the ingredients of herbal remedies and to find the right formulation based on the taste of the completed herbal concoctions. Adams, a student from Curtin University, shared that he was very impressed as it was his first opportunity to experience the unique flavor of Madurese herbal remedies, especially when shown the ingredients involved in their formulation. Meanwhile, Josephine, a student from the University of Western Australia, expressed that she was greatly impressed by the Madurese herbal remedy materials. She found the content engaging and particularly enjoyed the entertaining herbal guessing game.

Imron Wakhid Haris, Ph.D as the Head of International Relation Office Universitas Trunojoyo Madura stated that the activity of international short course will be the routine agenda to support the program World Class University. At the end of the event, Dr. Apri Arisandi, Head of the Master’s Program in Water Resource Management, stated that the Master’s Program in Water Resource Management, which is consistently committed to conservation efforts, will continue to support and actively participate in all activities related to the management of biological resources, particularly in Madura.

Ultimately, all activities, including the presentation of materials, discussions, and games conducted over the course of two hours, generally proceeded as expected and were successful. They provided valuable new insights to all participants regarding Madurese herbal remedies (jamu).

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