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Bangkalan – The Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) of Universitas Trunojoyo Madura was hosting a National Seminar titled "Envisioning the Future of Madura from Various Perspectives." The seminar held at the Graha Utama Building, 10th Floor, Syaichona Muhammad Cholil Hall, on Wednesday, June 26, 2024.

The event featured several distinguished speakers in their respective fields, including Prof. Dr. Yanwar Pribadi, Ph.D.

Yanwar Pribadi is a lecturer at the International Islamic University of Indonesia (UIII) and UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten, Indonesia.

The alumnus of Leiden University is one of the more prolific writers and researchers, contributing to a number of prestigious journals both domestically and internationally.

Also present as speakers were Fina Itriyati, Ph.D. from UGM, Yogyakarta; Dr. Tatik Hidayati, M.Ag. from Universitas Annuqayah, Sumenep; and Achdiyar Redi Setiawan, Ph.D. from UTM.

The Chair of the LPPM UTM, Dr. Ir. Gita Pawana, M.Si, emphasized in his address that this event is expected to generate strategic thoughts and analyses for developing the Madura community in line with our goals, utilizing the existing potential and local wisdom.

"Upholding noble values in society is essential and can serve as a means to maintain harmony with the environment and nature," he emphasized.

According to him, promoting the cultivation of science, technology, and the arts must be emphasized.

"It is hoped that the collection of papers will not only serve as proceedings but also have the potential to become a book. It could enrich and add flavor to Indonesian culture," he requested.

Meanwhile, Dr. Iskandar Dzulkarnain, M.Si, as the event coordinator, expressed that this activity is expected to bring forth ideas and a spirit for developing Madura through the cultural spirit of Madura.

Iskandar mentioned that UTM could establish a Madura Museum in the future. This museum would serve as a repository for a variety of collections, ranging from ancient manuscripts to historical artifacts related to Madura Island, allowing for their continued examination and study.

"Moving forward, a Madura Museum will be established. Currently, there is only the Madura Corner. The Madura Corner is a place for storing and collecting various manuscripts—ancient manuscripts concerning Madura," said Iskandar.

The National Seminar is also attended by 50 presenters who will present their written works. They come from several prestigious universities on the island of Java, including the Yayasan Syaikhona Kholil Bangkalan.

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