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The visit of the Supervisory Board of the BLU to Universitas Trunojoyo Madura for the purpose of introduction, socialization of duties, and presentation of the 2023 financial report was successfully conducted at the UPT TIK Meeting Room building on Monday, June 3, 2024.

In this occasion, Dr. Safi’, S.H., M.H, as the Rector of UTM, also signed the Integrity Pact for the Declaration of Integrity Zone along with the Deans, witnessed by the Board of Supervisors.

Presenting as the speakers, Chair of the Supervisory Board of BLU UTM, Nur Syarifah, SH. LLM, along with members, Professor TjiTjik Srie Tjahjandarie, Ph.D., and Tri Tenggo Sukmono, S.E.

UTM's Rector, Dr. Safi’, S.H., M.H, conveyed in his speech regarding the presence of the Chairman of the UTM BLU Supervisory Board and members, "UTM was transformed into a BLU last year, precisely on May 22, 2023. The UTM BLU Supervisory Board was also newly formed on February 28, 2024," stated Safi’.

Safi' hoped that everyone would remain motivated to strive for the advancement of UTM.

"I also request the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of BLU UTM and members to continue providing support, input, and guidance," he asserted.

Meanwhile, in her presentation, Nur Syarifah, SH, LLM., explained matters related to the procurement of goods and services and the forms of financial statements.

At the end, UTM's Rector and Supervisory Board of BLU UTM along with the deans and leaders visited the Supervisory Board Room of the Graha Utama Building on the 6th floor.

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