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Bangkalan - The 10th Sparkling Anniversary of Faculty of Education (FIP) Universitas Trunojoyo Madura (UTM) was successfully held on May 15, 2024.

The theme "Creativity, Innovation, and Emancipation" in the realm of women, this Anniversary is navigated through a series of competitions and educational seminars.

Present at the culmination of the celebration of the 10th anniversary of FIP UTM's Anniversary were the Vice Rector for Student Affairs of UTM, Deans, assistant deans of FIP, as well as Program Chairs and faculty members.

In his address, the Vice Rector for Student Affairs, Surokim, S.Sos., M.Si., expressed appreciation for the festivities of the 10th anniversary celebration of the Faculty of Education this year.

"The existence of FIP, especially concerning the accreditation of the Faculty of Educational Sciences, serves as a reference at UTM," he praised.

Surokim hoped that this activity can bring positive energy. We continuously convey this hope to the entire academic community of UTM.

"At the very least, bringing UTM to a position respected by many. Through hard work. Strengthening spirit. Working together," he said.

According to Surokim, the themes that had been created were relevant and very much in line with the social capital we need today.

"May FIP UTM produce outstanding future teachers who will bring honor to their alma mater and become role models in society," he hoped.

Meanwhile, the Dean of the Faculty of Education at UTM, Dr. Hani’ah, M.Pd., expressed her gratitude for all the support that has allowed the Faculty of Education to continue to thrive.

"Although the Faculty of Education is relatively young, our enthusiasm to be better is strong. Moreover, we are supported by lecturers and students who continuously innovate," he asserted.

According to reports, FIP celebrated the peak of its anniversary in line with expectations. Despite being a relatively new faculty, FIP continues to fervently strive to become excellent and high-quality.

"Furthermore, FIP also organized an educational seminar featuring an inspiring woman," he stated.

According to her, FIP UTM cannot be separated from the spirit of women's emancipation. One of them is by organizing the "Contemporary Kartini" seminar. Several activities, such as Dance Performances and Excellent UKM (Student Activity Units), as well as awarding prizes to the winners of competitions, and the FIP Ambassador Parade and the PDFIP 2004 Awarding, became a series of events to conclude the celebration of the 10th Anniversary of FIP UTM.

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