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Bangkalan, August 15, 2024. The PKKMB (Introduction to Campus Life for New Students) has become an annual event at the university, faculty, and program study levels. The event aims to prepare new students for the transition to campus life through various activities focusing on national insight, patriotism, national defense, and familiarization with academic, student activities, and campus policies. This year, one of the main agendas of the PKKMB for the Faculty of Agriculture at UTM is to provide motivation for achieving academic success in higher education. This theme was chosen due to the frequent occurrence of students lacking enthusiasm for academic activities and showing little interest in the various opportunities provided by the campus. The event is a collaboration between the Faculty of Agriculture and lecturers from Universiti Teknologi MARA (UITM), Malaysia, namely Ts Dr. Juliana Brahim, Assoc Prof Ir Ts Dr. Rumaizah Mohd Nordin, Assoc Prof Ts Dr. Norfashiha Hashim, and Assoc Prof Sr Dr. Norazian Mohamad Yusuwan. Each speaker presented their material to new students across five programs within the Faculty of Agriculture. The event proceeded smoothly and enjoyably with the guidance of the program study chair as the moderator.

The speakers provided valuable insights into motivation, which can be categorized into two main types: intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation, originating from within the individual, includes enjoyment, purpose, growth, curiosity, passion, self-expression, and fun. Conversely, extrinsic motivation, which arises from external factors, encompasses promotions, financial gains, bonuses, and others. Additionally, the speakers emphasized that strong motivation is crucial for achieving academic goals, especially when confronted with obstacles and challenges. They highlighted the importance of resilience, the ability to recover, and maintaining an attitude of perseverance, adaptability, flexibility, and continuous learning as key components of success.

The Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture stated, “The PKKMB is a crucial moment for new students to begin their academic journey with enthusiasm and strong knowledge. We hope that with this motivational preparation, new students will be able to face academic challenges with confidence and achieve success throughout their studies.”

The PKKMB 2024 event is expected to provide significant preparation for new students to begin their academic journey with readiness and high motivation. New students should also be able to enjoy their learning experience on campus through various means, including participating in campus activities, utilizing university resources, building networks with faculty and fellow students, and balancing academic pursuits with extracurricular activities.


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