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Bangkalan - The Faculty of Education(FIP) of Universitas Trunojoyo Madura (UTM) held a seminar on the role of women in the field of education, on Tuesday, May 14, 2024. The event took place at the Mohammad Noer Meeting Hall and was attended by the Dean of FIP, Vice Deans, Heads of Study Programs within the FIP environment, faculty members, and students.

Mohammad Ahied, S.Si., M.Si., as the Vice Dean I of the Faculty of Educational, elucidated in his address that the role of women is profoundly vital in navigating daily life.

"Women are also required to be more creative and productive, especially in participating to take on roles in the progress of education in this country," he expressed.

He hoped that the seminar could serve as a space for mutual learning and maximizing the best potential within women. The speakers include Dr. Sri Wahyuni, M.Pd from the Islamic University of Malang, and Dr. Hani’ah, S.Pd., M.Pd., Dean of the Faculty of Education and Teacher Training at UTM.

Sri Wahyuni serves as the Vice Dean I, Academic Affairs, in the of the FKIP at the Islamic University of Malang. In her presentation, Sri Wahyuni elucidated that the VUCA world referred to the current life circumstances characterized by rapid and unforeseen developments.

"VUCA stands for Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity, abbreviated as Vuca," she stated.

Sri, her familiar name, served as a reminder that women should think forward.

"The womenfolk must be able to perform their roles effectively and have a real and positive impact," she asserted.

According to her, current life demanded humans to continually innovate, be creative, and be productive in order to bring about a good and excellent life.

Meanwhile, Dr. Hani'ah, in her presentation, reflected on the responsibilities of men and women. According to her, the role of women was divided according to nature and culture. "According to nature, women are tasked with childbirth, breastfeeding, and menstruation. Whereas according to culture, women are expected to do the laundry, cooking, and household chores," she stated.

Furthermore, Hani’ah elaborated that domestic roles should not hinder women from participating in other roles, such as being a policewoman, lecturer, or doctor. "Women should continue to be role model agents of change," she concluded.

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