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Prodi Psikologi UTM Sukses Gelar Seminar Nasional dan Call For Paper Ke-10

Menghadapi tantangan kehidupan sosial yang terus mengalami perkembangan dan semakin kompleks, setiap individu dituntut harus belajar agar memiliki keahlian dan kemampuan untuk berdaptasi mengikuti zaman yang terus berubah.

Perdalam keilmuan tentang psikologi relasi sosial dalam komunitas dengan berbagai latar belakang budaya, Program Studi (Prodi) Psikologi Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Budaya (FISIB) Universitas Trunojoyo Madura (UTM) gelar Seminar Nasional Psikologi Ke-10 pada Rabu, 06/11/2024.

Bertempat di Auditorium Fakultas Kedokteran, acara Seminar Nasional sekaligus Call for Paper yang bertema “Relasi Sosial dalam Komunitas Multikultural : Mempromosikan Harmoni dalam Masyarakat yang Beragam” tersebut dibuka dan diapresiasi langsung oleh Rektor UTM Dr. Safi’, S.H., M.H.,.

Prof. Dr. Faturochman, M.A., guru besar Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) menjadi pemateri pertama menyampaikan tentang “Jalan Keharmonisan Masyarakat Plural”. Materi kedua dengan tema “Harmoni antar Etnis dalam Kehidupan Keseharian” disampaikan Jony Eko Yulianto, Ph.D, Dosen di Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Ciputra Surabaya.

Sementara itu, materi ketiga dengan tema “Adaptasi Perubahan Iklim pada Petani: Kolaborasi Multikultural dan Penguatan Relasi Sosial” disampaikan oleh Fandi Rosi Sarwo Edi, M. Psi, Dosen Psikologi UTM.

Sekitar 150 peserta yang hadir terdiri dari akademisi, dosen dan mahasiswa dari beberapa Perguruan Tinggi (PT) dan praktisi dari sejumlah institusi. Sebanyak 64 makalah hasil penelitian dan riset yang diterima pantia acara, dipresentasikan oleh para pemakalah dari berbagai disiplin ilmu.

Dekan FISIB UTM, Dr. Dinara Maya Julijanti, S.Sos., M.Si., didampingi Wakil Dekan 1, Ketua Jurusan, serta Koodinator Prodi dari Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi, Sosiologi, di lingkungan FISIB UTM menghadiri langsung mendukung suksesnya acara tersebut.

Pelaksanaan acara tersebut diharapkan dapat memperkaya wawasan para peserta dalam bidang psikologi sosial terutama terkait relasi sosial dan multikultural, serta sebagai ruang untuk berbagi pengetahuan dari para ilmuwan psikologi yang mumpuni dan tentunya berpengalaman.

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The Rector of UTM Launches the RPL Program for the Academic Year 2024-2025

The Rector of UTM inaugurated the launch and socialization event for the admission of new students through the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) pathway for the 2024–2025 academic year, covering undergraduate (S1) and master's (S2) degree programs.

The launch and socialization event was attended by the academic community of UTM and regional officials from Madura. It took place at the Syaikhona Kholil Auditorium, Graha Utama Building, UTM, on August 12, 2024.

In his address, the Rector of UTM, Dr. Safi’ S.H., M.H., explained that Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is a mandate from the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud) that should be embraced by higher education institutions.

The opening of the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) program is conducted in accordance with the Permendikbudristek Number 41 of 2021 concerning the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) in higher education institutions.

"The objective is to maximize the role of universities in enhancing the intellectual development of the nation and state", he stated.

At the very least, the presence of this RPL will provide an opportunity for those who are constrained by age but are interested in returning to learning.

"It is hoped that UTM will be able to more effectively contribute to academic services, namely in enlightening the nation and the country," said Safi’.

Meanwhile, Dr. Achmad Amzeri, SP, MP, Vice Rector for Academic Affairs at UTM, explained that RPL is the acknowledgment of learning outcomes obtained from formal, non-formal, or informal education, and/or work experience, as a basis for continuing formal education and for aligning with specific qualifications.

"This is carried out through partial recognition of learning achievements and is provided in the form of earned credits,” he stated.

Amzeri explained that the requirements are as follows: candidates must be high school (or equivalent) graduates; they must have undergone learning either from formal educational sources or outside formal education. Then, they need to apply, select courses, and prepare evidence of the learning they have acquired. They must complete a self-evaluation form and present relevant evidence.

“Registration for this RPL program will be held from August 1 to August 30, 2024,” he concluded.

Attending this event were the University Senate, the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, General Affairs and Finance, Student Affairs, the Deans, Heads of the LPPM, the Chair of the LP3MP, the Chair of the SPI, the Heads of BAK &andBUK, RPL Assessors, the Head of the Library Unit, Language Unit, PTIK, and Integrated Laboratory, as well as several invited guests including the Regional Leadership Coordination Forum (Forkompinda) and Heads of Regional-Owned Enterprises (BUMD) throughout Madura.

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Five Faculty Members from FKIP UTM Serve as Guest Lecturers at the Universiti Sains Malaysia

Five lecturers from the Faculty of Education at Universitas Trunojoyo Madura had the opportunity to serve as guest lecturers at Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) on July 2, 2024.

For their achievements, the five lecturers from FKIP UTM received appreciation and an outpouring of praise.

The Vice Dean 1 of the Faculty of Educational Sciences at UTM, Mochammad Ahied, S.Si., M.Si., expresses pride in the achievements of his colleagues.

"This is a form of international recognition of the academic quality and expertise of our faculty," he stated.

In addition to guest lectures, five lecturers from the Faculty of Education have also initiated other programs that can be aligned with UTM's vision to become the basis for future collaborations. These collaborations encompass research partnerships, joint article writing, journal reviewing, the enhancement of teaching and learning quality through the exchange of best practices in the academic field, and program mobility.

Five of the lecturers included Dr. Mochammad Ahied, S.Si., M.Si.; Muchamad Arif, S.Pd., M.Pd.; Fachrur Rozie, S.Pd., M.Pd.; Fikri Nazarullail, S.Pd., M.Pd.; and Izzah Fijriyah, S.Pd., M.Pd.

"We hope that this collaboration will strengthen the relationship between our universities and open broader opportunities for both students and faculty members of the Faculty of Educational at UTM," he concluded.




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