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The UTM Public Relations Team's Visit Welcomed, Discussing Organizational Management and Campus Information Management with UM Public Relations

Bangkalan - The Public Relations Team and Officials of Information and Documentation Management (PPID) of Malang State University (UM) welcomed a visit from the Public Relations Team of Universitas Trunojoyo Madura (UTM) at the UM Rectorate Building on Monday, (02/26/2024).

The UTM Public Relations Team visited for benchmarking purposes with the Public Relations Team and Officials of Information and Documentation Management (PPID) of UM.

UTM's Vice Rector I, Dr. Achmad Amzeri, S.P., M.P., explained the purpose and objectives of his visit to UM. "We from UTM aim to learn about the organization and functions at UM's PPID," said Amzeri.

According to him, the management of UM's PPID is worthy to be emulated, considering its excellent track record.

The UTM team had the opportunity to directly engage in discussions with the staff and coordinators of UM's PPID. They exchanged experiences and shared challenges and solutions in managing information within the university environment.

The UTM Public Relations Team endeavored to learn about UM's PPID strategies in addressing challenges such as digital archive management, information security, and compliance with regulatory standards related to information and documentation.

Meanwhile, the Director of Planning, Data and Information, Ranking, Public Relations, and Cooperation (PDIPHK), Dr. Yuni Rahmawati, ST, MT, warmly welcomed the UTM public relations team.

In her address, she also introduced the organizational structure of UM's PPID and informed about UM's Public Relations achievements, which have received several awards at the Diktiristek 2023 awards ceremony.

Dra. Komariyah, as the head of the sub-directorate of public relations, also welcomed the arrival of the UTM Public Relations Team.

She shared the spirit of productivity in managing UM's PPID thus far. "Every faculty at UM must have its own PPID to assist us in managing public information," she said.

"Furthermore, in our public relations department, we have an internship program for students. They are tasked with assisting us in PPID," she added.

This visit is expected to provide significant benefits for both UM and UTM in their efforts to continue developing and improving the quality of their information governance, as well as strengthening the relationship between the two involved higher education institutions.

This is an important step to maintain and enhance the quality standards in information management within each institution.

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Australia-Indonesia Collaboration in Coastal Resources Empowerment Project

Bangkalan - Universitas Trunojoyo Madura (UTM) hosted an international research collaboration ceremony with the theme Harvesting Hope: Renewable Energy, Clean Water, and Quality Salt for Madura’s Saltwork Community Through Seaweed Farmingon the 5th floor of Graha Utama Building, on Thursday, February 22, 2024.

The event was the result of collaboration between Australia and Indonesia in efforts to cultivate salt and seaweed, utilizing transformative solar panel technology for empowering the livelihoods of coastal communities in Madura Island.

Present at the event were the Governor of East Java 2019-2024, Dr. Khofifah Indar Parawansa, UTM Rector, Dr. Safi’, S.H, MH, as well as H.E. Ms. Fiona Hoggart, the Australian Consul General, the project's research chairs Prof. Caroline Chan and Prof. Booi Kam. Additionally, leaders from Universitas Trunojoyo Madura and several government officials from Bangkalan Regency were also in attendance.

"With this collaboration, we can address challenges and create opportunities for growth and improving living standards in Indonesia and Australia," expressed Fiona Hoggart.

Safi’ explained in his address that UTM was one of the 38 selected and approved campuses to receive research funding.

"I am grateful and proud because the research on salt farmers and seaweed to produce quality salt," said the Rector, who was born in Sumenep.

According to him, this aims to turn Madura salt, which has existed for centuries, into a local potential that can be optimized.

Meanwhile, Khofifah Indar Parawansa, the Governor of East Java, also expressed her pride in being able to attend and listen to her concerns regarding renewable energy. Khofifah emphasized that UTM could establish synergy to boost the income of communities in coastal areas.

"And it has made its first exports to Australia and China and adequately met the needs of business actors in Australia," expressed Khofifah.

She mentioned that she has seen the fulfillment from the pond owners regarding fertilizer subsidies.

"Looking ahead, my hope is to continue collaborating with UTM to build synergy to boost the income of Madura residents from coastal areas," she concluded.

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UTM Holds Guest Lecture with Chairman of BAN PT Executive Board

Bangkalan - Universitas Trunojoyo Madura organized a guest lecture with the National Accreditation Agency for Higher Education (BAN PT) on Wednesday, February 21, 2024. Professor Dr. Ir. Ari Purbayanto, the chairman of the executive board of BAN PT, was present as the main speaker.

The guest lecture had the theme "Transformation of national standards and accreditation of higher education institutions based on Permendikbudristek No. 53 of 2023."

Taking place at the 10th floor of Graha Utama Building, the event was attended by all leadership elements, academic community members, and representatives from IAIN Pamekasan, Wiraraja University, and Madura State Polytechnic.

In his address, Dr. Safi’, S.H, the Rector of UTM, expressed his gratitude for the presence of all the guests.

"Hopefully, the presence of the speaker can be utilized to the fullest so that accreditation at UTM will improve and excel in the future," he emphasized.

Safi’ added that every campus in Madura is competing to achieve better and superior accreditation. Thus, the quality of education in Madura becomes better.

In his presentation, Prof. Dr. Ir. Ari Purbayanto, M.Sc., elaborated on the transformation of national standards and accreditation of higher education institutions that need to be understood by every campus.

"Every campus must continue to transform," he said.

According to him, every campus must keep up with the developments. This also applies to preparing for accreditation at each campus. The event concluded with a sharing session, group photos, and a friendly gathering.

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The Rector of UTM and the Leaders of Bangkalan Regency Welcome Inbound PMM 4 Students

Bangkalan - Universitas Trunojoyo Madura once again hosted the Inbound Students of Student Merdeka Exchange Program (PMM) 4.

The welcoming of the participants was attended by several leaders of Bangkalan Regency at the 10th Floor Rectorate Auditorium on Tuesday, (02/20/2024).

The Inbound PMM 4 participants come from 22 provinces. They will attend classes for 1 semester in various study programs available at UTM.

This event was attended by the Rector of UTM, Dr. Safi’, S.H, as well as the Acting Regent of Bangkalan, Dr. Arief M. Edhie, and the Bangkalan Police Chief, AKBP Febri Isman Jaya.

In his address, Arief M. Edhie expressed his pride because this activity reflects the characteristic of national unity.

"I extend a warm welcome to Bangkalan Regency. This activity will provide many experiences for the participants," he said.

In the future, this activity is expected to increase self-confidence and sensitivity to various developments and diversity outside the region.

Meanwhile, the Bangkalan Police Chief, AKBP Febri Isman Jaya, explained the situation regarding security and public order (Kamtibmas) in Bangkalan Regency.

"Insha Allah, the situation in Bangkalan Regency is conducive after the election. The Telang area has been monitored together with the student president and Vice Rector 3," he said.

In his address and at the same time the opening ceremony of PMM 4 UTM, the Rector of UTM also appreciated the presence of the Bangkalan Regency leaders.

"Welcome and happy learning at UTM. We are proud to be your choice for inbound studies," said Safi’.

He mentioned that not many campuses are directly attended by the leaders of Bangkalan Regency (Acting Regent and Police Chief).

The UTM Rector inaugurated the PMM Program with a ceremony marked by the striking of the gong and the presentation of the UTM alma mater.

The event concluded with the delivery of several topics, including the information systems available at UTM.

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UTM Hosts FGD on Higher Education and Student Competencies with BNSP

Bangkalan - Universitas Trunojoyo Madura held a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) with the National Professional Certification Agency (BNSP), aimed at strengthening the role of Higher Education Institutions and Student Competencies. BNSP is an independent body responsible to the President, with the authority to certify personnel and to conduct professional competence certification for the workforce.

The FGD was held on the 5th floor of the UTM Rectorate on Monday, February 19, 2024, attended directly by UTM Rector, Dr. Safi’, S.H, M.H, and Muhammad Nur Hayid, M.M, BNSP Commissioner.

In his address, UTM Rector, Dr. Safi’, S.H, M.H, expressed gratitude for the presence of the BNSP Commissioner.

Safi’ also mentioned that in the future, every university must realize that there are two challenges, namely internationalization and competence.

"Every campus is beginning to realize that in the future, they must assess the professionalism of their graduates," he said.

Safi’ also hoped that graduates from UTM could be part of the national and state solution, playing a crucial role in the welfare of society.

"We hope all of our graduates become beneficial graduates. Therefore, I always encourage striving for better achievements than the previous year," he said.

According to him, if last year the target achievement was only 40, then this year it should increase to 60.

"That's why the existence of LSP (Lembaga Sertifikasi Profesi) is crucial to support the achievement and target of 60," Safi’ emphasized.

Safi’ also quoted the saying that those who are better than yesterday are the fortunate ones.

"For that reason, I hope the presence of BNSP today will provide some tips for UTM, so that it can continue to improve and its graduates become solutions in society," he expressed.

Meanwhile, Muhammad Nur Hayid, M.M, outlined the importance of every Higher Education Institution having LSP (Lembaga Sertifikasi Profesi).

Are we still in need of LSP?

"As a large campus, it's not just necessary, but mandatory to have LSP. Because DIKTI (Indonesian Directorate General of Higher Education) and the Ministry of Education have issued regulations requiring the presence of LSP," he said.

According to him, as a follow-up to the mandatory requirement, the curriculum taught must align with the competencies of students who will graduate and enter the job market.

"If competencies are recognized, then they are entitled to receive a decent salary. That's why LSP is established as an extension of BNSP," he said.

The Professional Certification Institution (LSP) is an institution responsible for conducting professional certification activities. LSP obtains a license from BNSP, which is granted through an accreditation process by BNSP.

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KPPU and UTM Sign Memorandum of Understanding and Work Agreement

Bangkalan - In order to enhance the quality of cooperation with Government Agencies, Universitas Trunojoyo Madura (UTM) held a signing ceremony for the Memorandum of Understanding and Work Agreement between the Business Competition Supervisory Commission (KPPU) and Universitas Trunojoyo Madura.

The event took place at the UTM Rectorate Building on February 15, 2023, and was attended by Dr. Achmad Amzeri, Vice Rector for Academic Affairs of UTM, as well as Dr. Ir. Fanshurullah Asa, S.T, M.T, IPU, Chairman of the Indonesian Competition Commission (KPPU).

Also present from the KPPU were Ir. Charles Pandji Dewantoro, Secretary General of KPPU, Ridho Jusmadi, S.H, KPPU Commissioner, and Dendy R. Sutrisno, Head of the IV Surabaya Regional Office. From UTM, there were Deswin Nur, Head of the Public Relations and Cooperation Bureau, and Akhmad Muhari, S.H, Head of the Clerk Office, as well as representatives from the UTM academic community.

The Business Competition Supervisory Commission (KPPU) is an independent institution established to oversee the implementation of Law No. 5 of 1999 concerning the Prohibition of Monopolistic Practices and Unfair Business Competition. Through this collaboration, it is hoped that UTM can collaborate with KPPU in the development of a healthy and just economy.

This event was opened with the Signing of a Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation Agreement between KPPU and two Faculties at UTM. Namely, the Faculty of Law, and the Faculty of Economics and Business at UTM.

Next, Dr. Achmad Amzeri, Vice Rector for Academic Affairs representing the Rector of UTM, also expressed his appreciation for the event. In his speech, Amzeri took the opportunity to introduce the names of the UTM academic community to the guests present.

Amzeri also apologized for the absence of the Rector of UTM, Dr. Safi’, S.H, M.H, from the event. He explained that UTM is currently committed to developing various activities that have a real impact.

"One of them is a research collaboration scheme with other universities with available budget allocation," he said.

Amzeri explained that UTM currently has 7 Faculties with 34 Study Programs. The establishment of a medical faculty is currently in progress.

Please pray for the smooth process. We are also preparing for the Establishment of the UTM Faculty of Medicine," said Amzeri.

The event continued with a discussion and Q&A session. It was then concluded with a group photo session.

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Universitas Trunojoyo Madura (UTM) Rector Appreciates Acting Regent of Bangkalan's Performance

Bangkalan - Arief M Edie's tenure as Acting Regent of Bangkalan has been met with positive evaluations, highlighting the significant contributions and benefits he has brought to the people of Bangkalan Regency. Under his leadership, Bangkalan Regency has achieved remarkable progress, as evidenced by its improved ranking in the 'Monitoring Center for Prevention' (MCP) assessment conducted by the Inspectorate General of the Ministry of Home Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia.

In response to this, the Rector and the entire Academic Community of Universitas Trunojoyo Madura (UTM) expressed their appreciation and awarded the Acting Regent of Bangkalan with a token of appreciation. The event took place as part of a 'Coffee Morning and Discussion' series themed "Synergy between Universitas Trunojoyo Madura and the Bangkalan Regency Government in Accelerating Regional Development" held on the 5th Floor of the UTM Rectorate Building, on Monday (5/2/2024)

During the event, the Rector of UTM, Dr. Safi', SH, MH, presented an award certificate to Arief M Edie, the Acting Regent of Bangkalan, for his performance and contributions to the Bangkalan people and the UTM campus. The awarding ceremony was witnessed directly by the ranks of vice rectors, deans, and officials in the campus environment.

In his remarks, the Rector of UTM expressed his appreciation for the presence of the Acting Regent of Bangkalan and his staff amidst their busy schedules and responsibilities.

"I express my highest appreciation to the Acting Regent (PJ) for his presence to discuss and collaborate for the advancement of the community and the campus,” Safi said

This is to establish cooperation and collaboration to advance each field.

"We express our appreciation, even if it's just in the form of a certificate of honor. Hopefully it can be an energy for the Bangkalan Regency government to be even more enthusiastic in developing Bangkalan Regency," he said

During his speech, Safi' also mentioned the progress of the establishment of the UTM Faculty of Medicine.

"UTM is striving to establish a Faculty of Medicine, documents have been submitted and all necessary steps have been taken," Safi' said.

Arief M Edie expressed his gratitude for the appreciation and award from UTM. Although he admitted that he has not done much for the people of Bangkalan. According to him, the success of his performance is not solely due to himself, but the performance of the entire Bangkalan Regency government apparatus.

If that's a trigger for me to reflect more on myself, then of course I will continue to do it for my own good and for the progress and welfare of the people of Bangkalan, especially for UTM,” Arief said.

The MCP is an application developed by the Corruption Eradication Commission. The purpose of this monitoring is to assess the performance achievements of the program and to prevent corruption through the improvement of governance practices.

Arief recounted that when he first took office, there were indeed several contractual employees who were on the verge of not being paid because the local government still had a debt of Rp 27 billion, which he managed to resolve.

“I read everything, it was indeed a bit tricky but fortunately there were friends from the KPK and Bareskrim.” he said.

However, towards the end of 2023, Arief executed the withdrawal of several budgets that had accumulated due to being unutilized.

"A habit of absorbing the budget at the end of the year that, according to Arief, happens in almost all local governments in Indonesia. Previously I apologize to all ranks that this will be executed, I immediately exercise the budget,” concluded Arief.

Arief's success also adds to the list of positive achievements for Bangkalan Regency. In conclusion, Arief hopes for continued collaboration and support from UTM to address the issues facing Bangkalan Regency. “I hope that collaboration with UTM continues to improve, both in research and other activities,” he stated.

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Field Assessment for the Accreditation of the Bachelor’s Degree Program in Islamic Economics, UTM Record: Wishing for an Excellent Rating

Bangkalan - The Opening Ceremony of the Field Assessment for Accreditation of the Bachelor's Degree Program in Sharia Economics at the Islamic Faculty was held. The event was attended by the Rector of UTM, the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, the Dean of the Faculty of Islamic Studies, the Head of Study Program, lecturers of Sharia Economics, staff of the Faculty of Islamic Studies, and assessors. The Rector of Universitas Trunojoyo Madura, Dr. Safi', SH, M.H., expressed his hope for the smooth progress of the assessment.

This was conveyed when giving a speech in front of two assessors, namely Prof. Dr. Ir. Dedi Budiman Hakim, from IPB and Prof. Dr. Euis Amalia, M.Ag from UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, at the UTM Rectorate Building, 5th floor, on Thursday, February 1 2024.

Dr. Safi' emphasized that as a leader he hopes that the Accreditation Field Assessment Activity for the Sharia Economics Undergraduate Study Program at the Islamic Faculty will get the best score.

"Hopefully the process will run smoothly. Provide as accurate data and information as possible for assessors," said Safi'.

According to him, based on the presence of a compact and solid team, it is hoped that the field assessment activities for the Bachelor of Sharia Economics Study Program at the Islamic Faculty will get satisfactory results.

"Hopefully we will get satisfactory and superior results," said Safi' hopefully.

The Accreditation Field Assessment Activity for the Sharia Economics Undergraduate Study Program, Islamic Faculty was carried out by assessors from the Independent Accreditation Institute (Lamemba).

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Embassy of the Czech Republic Visits UTM, Follows Up Partnership and Cooperation in the Education Sector

Bangkalan – The Embassy of the Czech Republic is exploring collaboration with Universitas Trunojoyo Madura, on January 26 2024.

The visit of the Embassy of the Czech Republic was welcomed by the UTM academic community to follow up on cooperation in the field of education.

In his speech, the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Dr. Achmad Amzeri, explained that UTM has established MoUs with several universities in the Czech Republic.

“We already have MoUs with several Czech universities such as Palacky University. And we hope that in the future more and more will be presented," said Amzeri.

Furthermore, Amzeri said that what had not been (done) was research, hopefully there would be research collaboration in the future.

The visit of the Embassy of the Czech Republic to UTM aims to establish partnerships in the field of education, especially opportunities to continue studying abroad.

In her speech, Gabriella Benetkova, as DCM of the Czech Embassy in Jakarta, admitted that she was happy.

"This visit is a follow-up to the presence of several of our students at the end of last month," said Gabriella.

According to her, this visit was also to follow up on offers of cooperation in the education sector between the two parties.

“We should know that there are universities in Czechia that study Indonesian and its culture. This is good news for bilateral relations between the two countries," she said.

Furthermore, Gabriella stated that regarding the possibility of student exchange cooperation, there is already Erasmus mundus, which is European Union funding for third countries. However, not all Czech universities accept this funding mechanism.

"We at the embassy fully facilitate these opportunities, but technically we need to first find a companion university that suits UTM's needs," she explained.

In the final session, the Rector of Universitas Trunojoyo Madura, Dr. Safi'., SH., MH stated that the results of this meeting were very useful and it is hoped that this can be followed up. "There is a lot of important information that we got from Miss Gabriella, we hope we can follow up on it, such as competency certification and educational cooperation," he said.

The visit to the Embassy of the Czech Republic was attended by a number of UTM academics. Also present were Hermawan Kartajaya, Honorary Consulate General of the Czech Republic,  Gabriella Benetkova, DCM of the Czech Embassy in Jakarta and Adi Tedjasurya – Assistant Honorary Consulate General of the Czech Republic.

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Embassy of the Czech Republic Visits UTM, Follows Up Partnership and Cooperation in the Education Sector

Bangkalan – The Embassy of the Czech Republic is exploring collaboration with Universitas Trunojoyo Madura, on January 26 2024.

The visit of the Embassy of the Czech Republic was welcomed by the UTM academic community to follow up on cooperation in the field of education.

In his speech, the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Dr. Achmad Amzeri, explained that UTM has established MoUs with several universities in the Czech Republic.

“We already have MoUs with several Czech universities such as Palacky University. And we hope that in the future more and more will be presented," said Amzeri.

Furthermore, Amzeri said that what had not been (done) was research, hopefully there would be research collaboration in the future.

The visit of the Embassy of the Czech Republic to UTM aims to establish partnerships in the field of education, especially opportunities to continue studying abroad.

In her speech, Gabriella Benetkova, as DCM of the Czech Embassy in Jakarta, admitted that she was happy.

"This visit is a follow-up to the presence of several of our students at the end of last month," said Gabriella.

According to her, this visit was also to follow up on offers of cooperation in the education sector between the two parties.

“We should know that there are universities in Czechia that study Indonesian and its culture. This is good news for bilateral relations between the two countries," she said.

Furthermore, Gabriella stated that regarding the possibility of student exchange cooperation, there is already Erasmus mundus, which is European Union funding for third countries. However, not all Czech universities accept this funding mechanism.

"We at the embassy fully facilitate these opportunities, but technically we need to first find a companion university that suits UTM's needs," she explained.

In the final session, the Rector of Universitas Trunojoyo Madura, Dr. Safi'., SH., MH stated that the results of this meeting were very useful and it is hoped that this can be followed up. "There is a lot of important information that we got from Miss Gabriella, we hope we can follow up on it, such as competency certification and educational cooperation," he said.




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